3D visual interactive training systems for specialists and maintenance of equipment are virtual and augmented reality simulators that imitate a realistic working environment, equipment and technical processes. 3D visual interactive learning systems give staff a high degree of technical expertise through visibility and a high level of engagement.
3D interactive systems consist of software and mobile hardware – a screen, a tablet, augmented reality multimedia glasses, or a virtual reality helmet.
3D visual interactive learning systems can be used in the following areas:
- visualization of the digital twin of the workplace;
- manual for operation, repair, maintenance, assembly of machinery, devices and equipment;
- training of personnel about the rules of safe behaviour in the workplace and in case of emergency situations.
Advantages of 3D visual interactive training systems for specialists and equipment maintenance:
- visualization of design features and components of any equipment or industrial product, access to setting up, repairing, assembling equipment;
- lack of distractions for deep immersion and assimilation of material at the level of visual memory;
- Obtaining both theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
- Safe professional training of personnel without risk for the equipment and stop of production;
- Development of sustainable work skills in situations that are impossible or difficult to reproduce in a normal working environment;
- Certification of employees and the ability to analyze the actions of each of them;
- Scalability and flexibility – the use of developed scenarios for training in any office of the organization, the ability to customize and adapt scenarios to specific conditions.
Learning with the help of 3D visual interactive systems can take place in several modes:
- Trial mode, consisting of stages: explanation – demonstration – testing – comparison;
- Test mode, in which the user goes through a training without prompts; if an error is made, the system notifies you of its consequences, offering to correct it and continue training further. The student can make many repetitions to achieve the correct result;
- Final mode, in which any error making leads to start the task from the beginning.
Training with 3D visual interactive systems reinforces the theoretical material, allowing workers to solve complex problems with maximum involvement in the production process.
The results of the introduction of 3D visual interactive systems for training specialists and maintenance of equipment:
- reducing the risk of injury at the workplace, the staff acquires reflex skills to comply with safety rules;
- reducing the time and cost of training new employees, training can be done at the workplace and without the participation of an instructor;
- Improving the quality of safety briefings.
Why are 3D visual interactive systems effective in training specialists and maintaining equipment?
- Most people have a visual memory. Only 15% of information is remembered through the auditory canal. This is due to the fact that the speed of the thought process is 8-10 times higher than the speed of speech. When the material is presented orally, most of the information bypasses the visual channel of perception, which necessitates repeated repetition of the material covered. 3D visual interactive learning systems allow people to convey information accurately to the organ of its perception.
- Research shows that educational material is absorbed much more efficiently if the student is emotionally involved in the process. The use of 3D visual interactive learning systems evokes an emotional response.
- 3. Scientists have found that imitation of real activity allows you to most fully assimilate the necessary information. 3D visual interactive systems give employees the opportunity to practice skills in “real” conditions.