Training in virtual reality

Training in virtual reality

People nowadays keep learning throughout their life. New technologies make the learning process more accessible and easier. Virtual reality technology has shown high efficiency in education: general education, higher and professional.

Benefits of using VR in education:

Visualisation. The technology allows you to visualise almost any objects, phenomena and processes, and even those that cannot be seen with the naked eye. For example, the structure of cells, nuclear decay, chemical reactions.

Safety. It is safer to learn the basics of controlling complex equipment and mechanisms through learning through VR. This reduces the risk of equipment failure and the threat to the life of the trainee.

Engagement. It is possible to model almost any object and its behaviour, the mechanism of interaction with the object and the environment. A sense of the reality of the artificial world involves the user in the learning process.

Focusing. The three-dimensional space in VR creates a complete immersive effect without being distracted by external factors.

VR for schools and universities

VR technology is part of immersive learning aimed at increasing student engagement and interest in the subject through new technologies. Immersion for 5-10 minutes in virtual reality during the lessons allows students to visually see the subject they are studying, focus on the main thing and remember new information.

VR for professional training

Personnel training and development is one of the main challenges faced by companies. The use of virtual reality opens up great opportunities for them, helping to scale and optimise employee training. Studies show that the brain does not distinguish between reality and high-quality simulation, which explains the effectiveness of VR. Simulators and virtual reality simulators are created for training.

Benefits of learning in virtual reality:

  • conducting practical classes in conditions close to the working environment;
  • the employee is the main character of training, which enhances the effect;
  • organic transition of an employee from an artificial ecosystem to a working environment;
  • training of employees according to a single standard in all branches of the company, based on corporate requirements.

According to the companies-developers of VR simulators:

  • improve the quality of training, increase the number of correct answers of employees up to 83%;
  • increase the level of competence of employees up to 70%;
  • reduce the level of real injuries by 2.5 times in 3 years.

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